Resources with information on sensory integration and sensory processing disorder
Arousal, regulation and sensory processing
What do terms such as arousal, alertness, regulation, self regulation , or self-control mean?
Interoception and Emotions
How is interoception linked to our emotions and our ability to self-regulate?
What is Interoception?
What is interoception? and how does it link to sensory processing differences?
How many senses do we have? And is interoception the 'eighth' sense or a category of senses?
A mini training session
Environment – Does It Matter?
Chloe shares how the staff in her department observed, evaluated and then changed their classroom environment
Change Is Still Possible
An adult case study demonstrating that change is still possible at aged 51!
Sensory Patterns Part II
Avoiders and sensors both have low neurological thresholds
Sensory Patterns
Bystanders and seekers both have high neurological thresholds
Sensory Preferences
Our individual sensory patterns or preferences affect how we react to everyday sensations
Sensory Health
What is sensory health?
Case Study
A case study from Pendle View School, Colne putting sensory integration theory into practice
Classroom sensory toolkit
Six pieces of equipment for your classroom to help with regulation
Tactile System
What is the tactile system and why is this sense so important in relation to sensory processing?
Vestibular System
What is the vestibular sense and why is this sense so important in relation to sensory processing?
What is proprioception and why is this sense so important in relation to sensory processing?
Regulation and Self Control
What is the difference between regulation and self-control?
Sensory strategies in school
A case study from New Bridge School, Oldham, putting sensory integration theory into practice
Sensory strategies
Often there is a misconception that specialist equipment is needed for sensory strategies, but equipment need not be expensive
Many people with sensory processing differences experience sleep disturbances
Sensory seekers
Sensory seeking or craving behaviour - why and what are some strategies to help?
Self-injurious behaviour
Self injurious behaviour, one of the most common sensory processing difficulties that parents reported in specialist school survey
Cheap sensory equipment
8 activities using a duvet ball bag
Scooter board activities
The scooter board is a key piece of equipment and can be used for endless different activities
Sensory strategies in the classroom
Resources to use within the classroom
Sensory retreat
It is important to think about retreat time, when thinking about building sensory input into every day life
"Is it sensory or behaviour?' is the most frequent question I am asked.
Vestibular system
The vestibular system is the sensory system responsible for detecting movement of our head and the sense of gravity.
Virtual world
This virtual world from a sensory perspective is very different from the 'real life' world.
Vestibular Input in lockdown
Some simple ways to get vestibular input while we still have restrictions in place.
Autism and sensory processing
For World Autism Awareness Week
Vestibular and proprioceptive ideas post lockdown
A revisit to vestibular and proprioceptive activities for post lockdown!
am often asked what equipment is needed within the classroom
Proprioception in Lockdown
How do we get proprioceptive input in our day in lockdown?