I can provide high-quality training courses tailored specifically to the needs of your school or organisation in the form of INSET training or in-house courses. This allows your staff to attend together and share the learning experience at a time and place that suits you. It also enables me to offer bespoke training courses to meet the specific needs of your staff and organisation enabling them to be more effective in the workplace.
I am first and foremost a practising clinical practitioner, so can draw on a wealth of clinical and practical experience when delivering training. This is combined with over 21 years of experience teaching on sensory integration, including being a senior lecturer and module coordinator for Sensory Integration Network UK (now Sensory Integration Education) masters course.
Courses can be provided in the form of full day, half day, twilight and workshop sessions throughout the UK and Ireland. Alternatively, courses can be delivered as online training if desired.
Training courses have been delivered to a huge variety of different organisations and services, for example, mainstream schools, specialist schools, physiotherapy and occupational therapy services, speech and language therapy services, social care settings, residential placements, and health care organisations, to name a few.
Please contact me with your requirements.